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Summer Agile Reading List

By June 20, 2022February 19th, 2025No Comments

As our busy world slows down ever so slightly over the summer months, it can be a great time to kick back with a book and try to learn something new in a relaxed state of mind. Here are some of our Agile related favourites to check out:

From PMO to VMO: Managing for Value Delivery

For anyone that is looking for ways to extend the reach of agile beyond their teams and looking for unlocks at the portfolio levels.

Standing In The Fire: Leading High-Heat Meetings with Clarity, Calm and Courage

Brilliant book for anyone that finds themselves in the middle of significant meetings or workshops. Must have for facilitators!

Doing Agile Right: Transformation without the Chaos

A refreshing take on some big picture agile organizational challenges.

Visual Teams: Graphic Tools for Commitment, Innovation and High Performance

An impactful book from the Grove Consultancy before the pandemic, during and after.

Happy Reading!